Founded in 1946 by Dr. Jean NUSSBAUM assisted by Mrs. Eleanor ROOSEVELT, the first President of Honorary Committee of the AIDLR.

A Non-governmental organization with participatory status to the United Nations (UN) ECOSOC Committee in New York and Geneva, in the Council of Europe (CoE) in Strasbourg and to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in Warsaw.

President: Mr. MARIO BRITO

Secretary-General: Mr. PAULO S. MACEDO

Honorary Committee´s president: H.E. ADAMA DIENG
Former United Nations Under-Secretary-General, Special Adviser of the United Nations and Secretary General on Prevention of Genocide

Honorary Committee’s Former Presidents:
Eleanor ROOSEVELT, Dr. Albert SCHWEITZER, Paul Henry SPAAK, René CASSIN, Edgar FAURE, Léopold Sédar SENGHOR, Mary ROBINSON.

Former Secretaries-General:
Dr. Jean NUSSBAUM, Dr. Pierre LANARES, Dr. Gianfranco ROSSI, Dr. Maurice VERFAILLIE, Mr. Karel NOWAK, Dr. Liviu OLTEANU

Designated in 1987 as a «Messenger of Peace» by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, H.E. Javier Pérez de Cuéllar

Association Internationale pour la Defense de la Liberté Religieuse
International Association for the Defense of Religious Liberty

From October 14 to 18, 2024, the #FaithforRights Peer Learning Experience program gathered 25 participants at the Ius Gentium Center for Human Rights, at the University of Coimbra...

The International Association for the Defense of Religious Liberty (AIDLR) is indelibly and honorably connected to the date, circumstances, context, and spirit of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the late 1940s. During those years, the founder of AIDLR, Jean Nussbaum, met the First Lady of the United States, Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt. Both expressed a shared dream and desire to place human rights, including those of religious freedom, at the center of recognition and achievements for human dignity...

The relationship between Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Religion is a current, pertinent, sometimes worrying, but inexhaustible topic. How can these two fundamental rights coexist and maintain the delicate balance between protecting individual rights and respecting religious diversity?...

AIDLR presents the International Award for Excellence «Ambassador for Freedom and Peace, Dr. Jean Nussbaum & Ms. Eleanor Roosevelt» to Prof. Asher Maoz

This edition compiles the interventions of the participants of the II Global Summit on Religion, Peace and Security and includes the Roadmap for Implementation - A Summary Report and a recommendation to the UN Action Plan on Hate Speeches.
The magazine “Conscience & Liberty” has been published since 1948 in several languages. The English edition corresponds to issue no. 80-81 (2020-2021)


Global Summit on Religion, Peace and Security 2016, Palais des Nations, Geneva

Global Summit «Final Declaration»

Principles of the Association

Our purpose is to disseminate ideas of tolerance, and to defend the right for anyone to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to believe or not, freedom to change one’s religion or belief, and freedom, either individually or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest one’s religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

We believe that religious liberty is a God-given right, and hold that it is best exercised where separation is maintained between religious organizations and state.

We believe that legislation and other governmental acts which unite religious organizations and state are opposed to the best interests of both institutions and are potentially prejudicial to human rights.

We believe that government is divinely ordained to support and protect citizens in the enjoyment of natural rights, and to rule in civil affairs; in this realm government warrants respectful obedience and willing support.

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