«We cannot abdicate our conscience to an organization, not to a government. 'Am I my brother's keeper?' Most certainly I am! I cannot escape my responsability by saying the State will do all that is necessary. It's a tragedy that nowadays so many think and feel otherwise.»

Dr. Albert Schweitzer Second President of the Honorary Committee of the AIDLR

Who we are

Experts worldwide that collaborate with us

Heiner BIELEFELDT, UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion and Belief, professor of human rights at the University of Erlangen Nuremberg, Germany

Michele BRUNELLI, professor at the University of Bergamo, UNESCO Chair, Italy

Jaime CONTRERAS, Vice-Rector of the University of Alcala de Henares, Spain

Ganoune DIOP, Director of Relations to the United Nations in New York and Geneva, associate director of the IRLA, university professor, USA

Petru DUMITRIU, Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of the Council of Europe to the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland

W. Cole DURHAM, Director of the International Centre for the Study of Law and Religion at Brigham Young University, USA

Silvio FERRARI, Professor of Law and Religion at the University of Milan, Italy

John GRAZ, Doctor of Religious History, Secretary General of the IRLA, USA

Sofia LEMMETYINEN, independent consultant on the question of religions and beliefs in the context of the foreign policy of the EU, Brussels, Belgium

Dwayne O. LESLIE, lawyer, USA

Joaquin MANTECON, professor at the University of Cantabria, Spain

Rosa Maria MARTINEZ DE CODES, professor at the Complutense University, Madrid, Spain

Juan Antonio MARTINEZ MUÑOZ, professor of Law at the Complutense University, Madrid, Spain

Javier MARTINEZ TORRON, Director of the department 6 of ecclesiastical law of the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain

Gabriel MAURER, vice president of IADRL, Switzerland

Harald MUELLER, judge, doctor of law, Hannover, Germany

Liviu OLTEANU, Secretary General IADRL, lawyer

Rafael PALOMINO, professor at the Complutense University, Madrid, Spain

Tiziano RIMOLDI, Doctor of Law, Italy

Ioan Gheorghe ROTARU, lawyer, Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Theology, Romania

Jaime ROSSEL GRANADOS, Dean of the faculty of Law at the University of Extremadura, Spain

Robert SEIPLE, former Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom at the U.S. State Department, President of the IRLA, USA

José Miguel SERRANO RUIZ- CALDERON, Professor of Philosophy of Law at the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain

Rik TORFS, Rector of the University of Leuven, Belgium

Bruno VERTALLIER, PhD in pastoral ministry, Former President of IADRL, Switzerland