«I am the global voice on human rights, universal rights. I defend and promote the human rights of each individual, everywhere... Ultimately, it is the law that will safeguard our societies -human rights law, binding law which is the distillation of human experience, of generations of human suffering, the screams of the victims of past crimes and hate. We must guard this law passionately, and be guided by it.»

H.E. Prince Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

Who we are

Recognition of the Association
Detail of some of the recognition got by the Association

United Nations "Peace Messenger" Recognition, 1987

In 1987, the Association received the following recognition as Peace Messenger in due to the significant contribution to the programme and objectives of the International Year of Peace, proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly, by the Secretary-General.

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Other recognition and public relations to the Association:

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We want to thank to all of these institutions by their support.