«In a world where societies are more and more diverse, tolerance is more likely to flourish when the human rights of all religious groups are respected and, similarly, human rights can thrive only if different groups are treated in the same way.»

H.E. Adama Dieng The United Nations Under-Secretary General, Special Adviser of the UN Secretary-General on Prevention of Genocide

Media & Resources

Recopilation of some interesting interviews realized by the Association

Dr. Heiner Bielefeldt
UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief

«Challenges for religious liberty and security.»

Ms. Rita Izsak
UN Special Rapporteur on minority issues

«To build bridges of tolerance, the need of coordination.»

H.E. Dr. Bogdan Aurescu
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania

«No one of major religions is a problem for peace and security, dialogue promoted by all relevant actors.»