Feb 2025
Experts Convene in Toledo for AIDLR Consultative Meeting on Religious Freedom
Dec, 2019
Jun, 2019
Dr. Liviu Olteanu the Secretary-General of the AIDLR has been invited and has participated to an academic meeting at Doshisha University from Kyoto Japan [...]
Jun, 2019
Jun, 2019
During the G-20 Interfaith-Forum, Tokyo Japan, that took place from June 6 to 10, 2019, the organizers of the G-20 Interfaith Forum Prof. Cole Durham, Chair G-20 [...]
Nov, 2018
On November 2018 at the ‘United Nations Forum on Minority Issues’, Dr. Liviu Olteanu, the Secretary General of the AIDLR took the floor and talked on [...]
Jun, 2018
His Excellency Dr. Ahmed Shaheed – with a strong expertise on diplomacy, human rights and religious freedom – is the current Special Rapporteur on [...]
May, 2018
From last May H.E. Mr. Adama Dieng, Under Secretary-General of the United Nations and Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on the Prevention of Genocide, is the new AIDLR Honorary Committee President. He succeeds Ms. Mary Robinson who has been President of the Honorary [...]
Oct, 2017
The forward comments have been delivered by the Secretary General of the AIDLR Dr. Liviu Olteanu during the event [...]
Sep, 2017
During the Conferences of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations on «Diversity unites! – [...]
Sep, 2017
The Secretary General of the AIDLR in his dialogue with CYRIL RITCHIE - CoNGO President and Dr. WOLFGANG [...]
Sep, 2017
The following statement was issued by Dr Liviu Olteanu in Warsaw at the OSCE in the context of the topics debated [...]
Sep, 2017
The following statement was issued by Liviu Olteanu after the International Conference on “Hate Speech and Security” that has been organized by Consiglio Nazionale Forense and [...]
Sep, 2017
The following statement was issued after The Honorable ANDREA ORLANDO, Minister of Justice of Italy, met and talked [...]
Sep, 2017
LAURA BOLDRINI, the President of the House of Representatives of Italy and Liviu OLTEANU the Secretary [...]
Sep, 2017
During the conference held in Rome Under the Auspices of the Italian Presidency of G7, the Secretary General of the AIDLR Liviu Olteanu had an important conversation with H.E. [...]
Sep, 2017
To that unique international conference chaired by Andrea Mascherin the President of Consiglio Nazionale Forense, Dr. Olteanu the Secretary General of the AIDLR, exchanged [...]
Ago, 2017
Again and again we strongly condemn the acts of these new terrorist attacks perpetrated in Barcelona and Cambrils on Thursday 17 of August 2017. We feel pain for each of [...]
Jul, 2017
In his Keynote Address Dr. Liviu Olteanu congratulated Adama Dieng for his vision, energy and efforts as UN Under [...]
Jul, 2017
The following statement was issued by the Secretary General of the AIDLR, after the conversation Dr. Liviu OLTEANU had [...]
Jul, 2017
The following statement was issued by the AIDLR Secretary General regarding the conversation between Dr. Liviu [...]
Jul, 2017
AMBASSADOR AMMO AZIZA BAROUD had a conversation as a follow up on Global Summit on Religion, Peace and Security co-organized by AIDLR and OGPRtP in November 2016 [...]
Jun, 2017
The aim of the European Academy of Religion was to network individual researchers and - according with “Fescire” and [...]
Jun, 2017
The following statement was issued by Dr. Liviu Olteanu after Inaugural Session: Religion, Sustainable Development and [...]
Jun, 2017
The following statement was issued by Dr. Liviu Olteanu after his keynote address delivered at G20 Interfaith Summit in [...]
May, 2017
The representatives of 13 European countries (Portugal, Spain, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria) [...]
May, 2017
After the terrorist attacks perpetrated in many parts of the world, we know that dangerous elements may be located within every society. Much attention, however, should be [...]
Apr, 2017
Countries with more gender equality have better economic growth. Companies with more women leaders perform better. Peace agreements that include women are more durable. [...]
Apr, 2017
The following keynote address (here resumed) was issued at the Religious Liberty Partnership hosted in Brasilia Brazil [...]
Mar, 2017
Following the meeting of the High Commissioner of Human Rights with the Civil Society Non-Governmental Org [...]
Mar, 2017
Following the panel on Islam and Christianity organized on 15 of March by the Geneva Centre for Human Rights [...]
Mar, 2017
The Secretary General of the International Association for the Defense of Religious Liberty Dr. Liviu Olteanu talked at [...]
Mar, 2017
At the end of «Panel on Freedom of Religion or Belief: Toward an Agenda for Implementation» hosted at the Palais [...]
Mar, 2017
Dr Liviu Olteanu, the Secretary General of the AIDLR had a important conversation in the room XX that is the host for HRC with H.E. Ambassador Joaquín Alexander Maza Martinelli [...]
Mar, 2017
Following the keynote address' delivered by Ambassador Olaph TERRIBILE, Permanent Representative of Malta to the UN in Geneva, on «Freedom of Religion or Belief: Toward an Agenda for Implementation»- under the auspicies of [...]
Mar, 2017
Following the UN Panel on «Freedom of Religion or Belief: Toward an Agenda for Implementation» Dr. Liviu Olteanu [...]
Feb, 2017
Following statement was issued by Dr Liviu Olteanu and has been introduced to the United Nations as a written statement on 34th Session of Human Rights Council regarding the Global Summit co-organized by the [...]
Feb, 2017
Meeting with H.E. Mr Adama Dieng, Under-Secretary-General, Special Adviser of Secretary General of United Nations on Genocide Prevention, and Dr Liviu Olteanu, Secretary [...]
Feb, 2017
Mr Jan Figel, EU Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion or Belief outside the EU territory, on February 2017 in Brussels, at EPRID meeting. Dr Liviu Olteanu is participated at EPRID´s meeting and has a conversation with Mr Jan Figel on cooperation plans between the EU and the AIDLR [...]
Feb, 2017
Dr. Liviu Olteanu, Secretary General of the AIDLR, and HE Ambassador Ms. Jackie Wolcott, Commissioner, US Commission on International Religious Freedom, from Washington D.C., talking in Brussels on the AIDLR international projects. In the picture Dr. Olteanu introducing to [...]
Feb, 2017
Ambassador Jackie Wolcott, Commissioner, U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, and Ms Elisabeth K. Cassidy, Director of International Law and Policy U.S.Commision on International Religious Freedom, from Washington D.C. in Brussels at Eprid meeting in February 2017. Dr Liviu Olteanu the Secretary [...]
Nov, 2016
Humanity is grieving and in shock; today we are all victims and in complete solidarity with Paris. We are traumatized by all the terrorist attacks which took place on 13 November in Paris, with the consequences of hundreds of victims. We [...]
Sep 04-08th, 2016
Last September (4-8), the European representatives of the International Association for the Religious Liberty (AIDLR) met in Seville, Spain. During four days the representatives can present the current situation of their countries. Case studies were discussed in order to continue working for the religious freedom [...]