«I am keen to address emerging and existing concerns that fall within the scope of the mandate, and to focus on the implementation of international norms and standards, engaging with a wide variety of stakeholders in an open and inclusive manner.»

Dr. Ahmed Shaheed Special Rapporteur of the United Nations on Freedom of Religion or Belief

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LISBON, 7-8 February 2023

International Conference on
«Religion & Freedom of Expression»

Organized by

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Hosted by

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Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Av. de Berna 45 A, 1067-001 Lisboa, Portugal

Panel Discussion Keynotes

Session 1 - “Religion and Freedom of Speech”

Session 2 - “Freedom of Religious Expression and Human Dignity” – Part I

Session 3 - “Freedom of Religious Expression and Human Dignity” Part II

Session 4 - “Religion, Freedom of Speech and Organizations”

Session 5 - “Religion and Freedom of Expression in Contemporary Society”

Session 6 - “Case Presentation”

Lisbon Conference - Closing Remarks

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