«I am the global voice on human rights, universal rights. I defend and promote the human rights of each individual, everywhere... Ultimately, it is the law that will safeguard our societies -human rights law, binding law which is the distillation of human experience, of generations of human suffering, the screams of the victims of past crimes and hate. We must guard this law passionately, and be guided by it.»

H.E. Prince Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights


International Conference on «Fredom, Religion, Security - Antagonistic Terms in the Context of International Insecurity»

Security by Education on Prevention & Protection Against Violence, Terrorism & Genocide in the Name of Religion - Developing a Holistic Framework

Promoter and Coordinator:

Dr. Liviu Olteanu, Secretary General of the AIDLR, Doctor of Law on United Nations Diplomacy in Action for Protecting Human Rights and Religious Liberty

Panel Discussion Videos

Panel 1
«Challenges that affect the international community with consequences on Religion, Religious liberty and Freedom of conscience. Trends in the globalized world on human rights and freedom of religion»

Moderators: Petru DUMITRIU, UN Inspector at the UN, Former Ambassador of the Council of Europe at the United Nations in Geneva, and Nazila GHANEA, Professor of International Human Rights Law, Oxford University.

Panel 2
«Religion - Source of conflict and/ or source of preventing conflict?»

Moderators: Juan Antonio MARTÍNEZ MUÑOZ, Law Philosophy Department, Law Faculty, Universidad Complutense Madrid, and Diane ALA'I, Representative to the United Nations Bahá'í International Community - United Nations Office

Panel 3
«Violence, terrorism, genocide in the name of religion and the risks for followers of different religions and especially regarding religious minorities. Proposing solutions.»

Moderators: H.E. Ms. Belén ALFARO HERNÁNDEZ, Ambassador in Special Mission for the Alliance of Civilizations and Interreligious Dialogue, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Cooperation, Kingdom of Spain and Jaime ROSSELL GRANADOS, Deputy Director General for Religious Affairs, Ministry of Justice of Kingdom of Spain

Panel 4
«Fundamentalism» and «Secularism» versus Religion, Family and Human Rights

Moderators: Rosa María MARTÍNEZ DE CODES, Faculty of History, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Vice-Presidente IRLA, and Alexey KOZHEMYAKOV, Former Head of Department of National Minorities and Anti discrimination at the Council of Europe, Visiting Professor in Moscow Universities.