«A free country is undoubtedly one where a citizen may think as he please, where he may believe or not believe, one where religious freedom is sound and without official limitations.»

Dr. Jean Nussbaum Founder and First President of the AIDLR

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Meeting of the AIDLR Country Directors in Brussels

22 March 2024

An AIDLR National Directors' Meeting took place at the AIDLR office in Brussels (Belgium) from 18-21 March, marking the first time that AIDLR National Directors have met in the Belgian capital.

For three days they had the opportunity to hear from their colleagues about the challenges each country is facing and the projects they are working on. This meeting in Brussels was also a great opportunity to learn more about the European institutions and their work in the field of freedom of religion or belief (FoRB).

On Tuesday 19 March, AIDLR had the privilege of welcoming to its offices Dr Pedro SILVA PEREIRA, current Vice-President of the European Parliament, who reported on the Parliament's work in the area of freedom of religion or belief and answered questions from AIDLR delegates.

During the days of the meeting, AIDLR had the visit of Dr Ganoune DIOP, Secretary General of International Religious Liberty Association (IRLA), who gave on the same day, an enriching presentation on his latest research on postmodernism and religious freedom.

On Wednesday, 20 March, a meeting was held with the following guests: Ms. Anastasia HARTMAN, EU Advocacy Officer of the NGO Open Doors, Dr. Elizabeta KITANOVIC, Ph. Programme Officer for Advocacy and Dialogue from the Conference of European Churches (CEC), Mr. Juan José GARCÍA CARREÑO - Policy and Human Rights Officer of the European External Action Service (EEAS) and Mr. Vincent DEPAIGNE, European Commission Coordinator for the dialogue between the European Commission and churches, religious associations or communities, philosophical and non-confessional organisations established under Article 17 TFEU. Each of them, in addition to answering questions from the audience, gave a detailed account of their work in favour of FoRB, providing practical examples that gave delegates and other participants a clear vision of the importance of the existing network between the European institutions and civil society.

According to the AIDLR strategic plan, increasing support, training and networking of AIDLR country offices is a priority. AIDLR is present in thirteen European countries and publishes its official journal in eight languages. In the upcoming years, training FoRB leaders, deepening the network between existing offices and enlarging the presence of offices to other countries are goals to be achieved. The meeting in Brussels aimed to give opportunity to country offices leaders to get in connection with Brussels FoRB community and key agents and develop knowledge and experience with European institutions.

Media Files

1. Dr. Pedro SILVA PEREIRA, current Vice-President of the European Parliament during his visit to the AIDLR offices in Brussels.

2. Dr. Barna MAGYAROSI, AIDLR, Mr. Juan José GARCÍA CARREÑO - EEAS, Mr. Vincent DEPAIGNE, European Commission, Ms. Anastasia HARTMAN, Open Doors, Dr. Elizabeta KITANOVIC, CEC, and Mr. Paulo Macedo, AIDLR.

3. Another moment during the meeting.

4. Secretary General Interview.