«At the end of September 1914, I had been gravely injured and I was lying on the ground in misery like my companions. At daybreak, I saw the heavy silhouette of the curate moving around the area. When it came to my turn I said to him in all honesty, 'I am a stranger to your way of worship and I do not share your convinctions'. He replied: 'My child, if you have to appear before the Supreme Judge shortly, know that He will be a judge of love'. This scene is one that I will never forget.»

Rene Cassin Nobel Prize winner and the 4th President of the Honoray Committee of the AIDLR

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Mr. Mario Brito, the President of the International Association of the Defence of Religious Liberty (AIDLR) and Dr. Liviu Olteanu, the Secretary General of the AIDLR assisted at the 8th World Congress organized by the International Religious Liberty Association (IRLA) and had exchanges with worldwide officials and participants.

Hollywood - Florida, United States of America, 22-24th August 2017

Following the 8th World Congress of the IRLA on «Religious Freedom and Hope for Peaceful Co-existence» hosted in Hollywood Florida between 22-24 of August 2017, the AIDLR President Mr. Mario BRITO and the Secretary General Dr. Liviu OLTEANU, appreciated the topic proposed and debates that took place for first time in the USA by IRLA, and also congratulated the organizers for the 8th Congress as useful and practical for international community and specially for religious leaders on fostering religious freedom and peaceful co-existence, -and why not saying, this topic seems to be a necessary continuity debated at the Global Summit developed in November 2016 (see it at www.aidlr.org) at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, that has been co-organized by the AIDLR with the United Nations Office of Genocide Prevention from New York on «Religion, Peace and Security – Promoting peaceful and inclusive societies by fostering religious freedom and preventing violent extremism and atrocity crimes». In behalf of the organizers of the IRLA Congress, at the starting of their presentations, the IRLA President Ambassador John R. NAY said: «Many major challenges face humanity, including matters of physical life and death as well as issues that go to the heart of upholding the dignity and freedom of humanity. As we know, throughout history, religious communities on every continent have contributed to alleviating the suffering and poverty of those around them. Adherents of all faiths have actively participated in the efforts of their religious community and continue to do so» and the IRLA Secretary General Dr. Ganoune DIOP underlined too: «The concept of religious freedom, despite its pivotal position among fundamental freedoms, is variously understood in today’s socio-political, religious and ethical landscapes. Different cultures, religions, beliefs, and philosophical persuasions have resulted in different understandings of rights and responsibilities. But this need not to be an insurmountable obstacle to living together in peace... The IRLA Congress is an opportunity to explore and unfold the richness and depth of many different perspectives, especially as they relate to religious freedom as a precondition for living in peace».

At this congress participated too officials and representatives belonging to our European chapters as: President Mikulas Pavlik – Czeck Republic, Herbert Bodenman – Switzerland, Dr. Harald Mueller – Germany, Tiberius Georgescu, Sergiu Macovei, Gabriel Isvan and Dragos Musat - Romania.

Photos of the 8th World Congress

8th World Congress

President Mario Brito and Secretary General Liviu Olteanu

8th World Congress

The AIDLR President, the Secretary General and Brasilian officials

8th World Congress

The AIDLR President, the Secretary General and Brasilian officials

8th World Congress

Dr. Liviu Olteanu and Dr. Bert B. Beach the former SG of the IRLA from US and his wife

8th World Congress

Representatives from Africa, Romania and the Secretary General of the AIDLR

8th World Congress

Representatives from Chile, Spain and Belgium

8th World Congress

President Brito, Secretary General Olteanu and the representative from South Africa

8th World Congress

Helio Carnassale from Brasil, Mario Brito and Liviu Olteanu representatives of the AIDLR Switzerland

8th World Congress

Liviu Olteanu and South America representatives

8th World Congress

Dr Liviu Olteanu, President Mario Brito and representatives from India

8th World Congress

Dr Joo Min Ho, PARL Director Norhern Asia-Pacific from South Korea, the South Korean representatives and Dr Liviu Olteanu

8th World Congress

Diplomat Beach Resort Hollywood Florida US, the place of 8th IRLA Congress on Religious Freedom