«Human rights are an essentialcomponent of human protection, the responsability to protect populations by preventing genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing.»

Ban Ki-moon Former Secretary General of United Nations

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By Dr Liviu Olteanu, Secretary General of the International Association for the Defense of Religious Liberty

Dr. Liviu Olteanu stressed the need of the Dialogue Five frame as the necessary tool towards the outcome of Global Compact on SDGs and responsible business practices at the The G20 Interfaith Forum, Kyoto Japan, 11-12 June, 2019. "Peace is made, peace is supported and peace is maintain by people"

Kyoto, Japan. 11-12 June, 2019

Following to the conclusion of the G-20 Interreligious Forum in Tokyo, was held for the first time a G-20 Interreligious Forum in Kyoto the ancient capital of Japan. Held on 11-12 June 2019 Kyoto Forum has been based especially on the participation of religious leaders of all religions and also academics. Dr Liviu Olteanu has been invited by Rev. Yoshinobu Miyake the Forum organizer to speak at the UN Global Compact. The paper delivered by Dr. Liviu Olteanu was on: Global Compact Based on Human Dignity and Being A Part of Solution, Shaping Together All ‘Dialogue Five’ Actors A Sustainable Future. During his speech, Liviu underlined: Today´s world is full of egos, inequality, poverty, violence, climate change, corruption and other crisis, because there are people confused about what our common values are and about the perception of their own person, rights, responsibilities, environment versus other people, nations, rights and our own house/planet. The cause of problems of humanity´s problem lies in people’s mind about who is ‘our neighbour’ and which and where is our ‘home’. Peace, People, Planet! True sustainable development, non-discrimination, peace, development and consequently the security, come with wisdom and starts in mind of policy-makers, but it is fostered and committed by every human being. Peace is made, peace is supported and peace is maintain by people. The people our times needs, are those who speak up for inclusivity, equality, building bridges; people who speak up against inflammatory language in our society. People who speak out in the name of those discriminated who do not enjoy of respect and benefits as others do in the world; who don’t have the same opportunities and rights as we have; We need people to speak out and act for our neighbours, our brothers and sisters in humanity. To do this we must clarify our own identity and our direction bearing in mind the perspective of our common root which is DIGNITY and taking into account our common home which is the PLANET. For the Global Compact to succeed in resolving international challenges, crises, inequalities and conflicts, all G20 actors need a firm willingness to cooperate on the issues of most concern to peace and the planet, working through the framework of Dialogue Five; All people need special attention and training in inclusion, equality and integral health for all, everywhere. To this end, the Dialogue Five framework is the necessary tool for the compliance with the Global Compact on SDG and responsible business practices. Combined with the collaboration of all its actors, a powerful change in markets and societies can be achieved, based on global business standards, meaningful dialogue, accountability, integrity and transparency.

Photo Credit

Liviu Olteanu, AIDLR Secretary-General during his participation as panelist on Session 1 at the G-20 Interfaith Forum in Kyoto. Photo: ©AIDLR/2019.
Dr. Liviu Olteanu during his speech on Global Compact Based on Human Dignity at the G-20 Interfaith Forum in Kyoto. Photo ©AIDLR/2019.
Dr. Liviu Olteanu during his speech on Global Compact Based on Human Dignity at the G-20 Interfaith Forum in Kyoto. Photo ©AIDLR/2019.
Group of panelist at the G-20 Interfaith Forum in Kyoto. Photo: ©AIDLR/2019.
Group of participants at the G-20 Interfaith Forum in Kyoto. Photo: ©AIDLR/2019.
Public Action & Closing Ceremony in the Kiyomizu Temple. Photo: ©AIDLR/2019.
Dr. Liviu Olteanu with Dr. Ganoune Diop SG Public affairs & Religious Liberty of Seventh Day Adventist World Headquarters.
Dr. Liviu Olteanu and Rev. Naoki Kakeno, NONOMIYA Shrine chief priest.