«I am the global voice on human rights, universal rights. I defend and promote the human rights of each individual, everywhere... Ultimately, it is the law that will safeguard our societies -human rights law, binding law which is the distillation of human experience, of generations of human suffering, the screams of the victims of past crimes and hate. We must guard this law passionately, and be guided by it.»

H.E. Prince Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

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By Dr Liviu Olteanu, Secretary General of the International Association for the Defense of Religious Liberty

During the SIXTH ASSEMBLY in Abu Dhabi of the FORUM FOR PROMOTING PEACE, the Secretary-General of the AIDLR, Dr. Liviu Olteanu, expressed his appreciation for the historic initiative on ‘tolerance and religious freedom’ and signing the ‘Global Tolerance Charter - The New Alliance of Virtue’

Abu Dhabi (UAE), 10th December 2019

GLOBAL TOLERANCE CHARTER - A group of the world’s most respected Islamic scholars, faith leaders joined by experts from governments, and representatives of civil society organizations signed a new charter to build global peace, based on tolerance and religious freedom. Launched and endorsed during the final day of the sixth Assembly of the Forum for Promoting Peace in Muslim Societies in Abu Dhabi (11 December 2019), the “New Alliance of Virtue”, aims to elevate religious freedom, cooperation, and tolerance from mere possibilities to necessary ethical commitments and legal obligations, especially in relation to the protection of places of worship whose attacks have threatened freedom of religion in many parts of the world. This initiative draws direct inspiration from the earliest traditions of Islam.

Some photos of the event: