«Freedom of conscience is one of the most precious gifts offered to humankind. Freedom of conscience is not a negotiable liberty. The right to freedom of conscience must be the prerogative of all respectful societies, societies which respect citizen's believers, agnostics or atheists. Opposition and deprivation of freedom of conscience in the midst of a society is comparable to a crime against humanity»

Dr. Bruno Vertallier Former President of the AIDLR

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Conversation with Mr. Jan Figel on cooperation plans

Brussels, February 2017

Mr Jan Figel, EU Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion or Belief outside the EU territory- February 2017 Brussels, at EPRID meeting. Dr Liviu Olteanu is participated at EPRID´s meeting and has a conversation with Mr Jan Figel about cooperation and collaboration ideas between the EU and the AIDLR.