«All men that have a love for liberty, whatever their origin, color of skin, nationality or religion, are invited to join this crusade against sectarianism.»

Mr. Mario Brito President of the AIDLR

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By Liviu Olteanu, PhD, Secretary General of the International Association for the Defense of Religious Liberty

Release of the latest edition of Conscience and Liberty, entitled "Dignity, Rights and Justice for All"

Bern (Switzerland), 1st April 2020

This edition compiles the interventions of the participants of the II Global Summit on Religion, Peace and Security and includes the Roadmap for Implementation - A Summary Report and a recommendation to the UN Action Plan on Hate Speeches.

The magazine “Conscience & Liberty” has been published since 1948 in several languages. The English edition corresponds to issue no. 80-81 (2020-2021).
