«At the end of September 1914, I had been gravely injured and I was lying on the ground in misery like my companions. At daybreak, I saw the heavy silhouette of the curate moving around the area. When it came to my turn I said to him in all honesty, 'I am a stranger to your way of worship and I do not share your convinctions'. He replied: 'My child, if you have to appear before the Supreme Judge shortly, know that He will be a judge of love'. This scene is one that I will never forget.»

Rene Cassin Nobel Prize winner and the 4th President of the Honoray Committee of the AIDLR

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AIDLR expresses its deep condolences and extreme concern at the grave attacks at Jehovah's Witnesses Center in Hamburg-Alsterdorf

Brussels, 10th March 2023

A Temple, as a place of individual and collective worship, should be considered by everyone as a place of recollection and welcome, of freedom and security, of respect and peace. Every human life is still more precious. There is no justification whatsoever for an attack on the life, freedom and security of any human being on account of their faith, just as there is no justification for an attack on a group of believers gathered together in the exercise of their faith.

The AIDLR expresses its condolences to the families of the victims of this shooting and wishes all those who were injured a full physical and psychological recovery. It also expresses its solidarity with the local Jehovah's Witnesses community, wishing them the courage to continue practicing and expressing their faith, as well as with all religious communities that, through this crime, also feel threatened.

We call on all actors to continue their efforts in favor of religious freedom, and, through it, peace and security for all believing and non-believing citizens, namely through education for freedom and tolerance and the defense of the security of places of worship, indispensable bulwarks of freedom of conscience, worship and religion.

Paulo Macedo