Special Publications on the 70th Anniversary

«My aim will be to create a synergy in EU policies in order to help freedom of religion in third countries in which fredom of religion is on the decline or doesn´t exist at all flourish more and more.»

Dr. Jan Figel The European Union Special Envoy for the Promotion of Freedom of Religion or Belief outside the European Union

Media & Resources

Special Editions

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary, these two special publications give a review from the beginning of the motivating history of our Association.

Ambassadors for Liberty, Hope and Peace
AIDLR 70th Anniversary

A Special Edition Journal to conmemorate our 70th Anniversary.
2016 Journal 84 pages

Remembering our past
The AIDLR 70th Anniversary

Conscience and Liberty 2016/2017 Special Edition to conmemorate the AIDLR 70th Anniversary.
2016 Journal 81 pages