Special Publications on the 70th Anniversary

«I am keen to address emerging and existing concerns that fall within the scope of the mandate, and to focus on the implementation of international norms and standards, engaging with a wide variety of stakeholders in an open and inclusive manner.»

Dr. Ahmed Shaheed Special Rapporteur of the United Nations on Freedom of Religion or Belief

Media & Resources

Special Editions

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary, these two special publications give a review from the beginning of the motivating history of our Association.

Ambassadors for Liberty, Hope and Peace
AIDLR 70th Anniversary

A Special Edition Journal to conmemorate our 70th Anniversary.
2016 Journal 84 pages

Remembering our past
The AIDLR 70th Anniversary

Conscience and Liberty 2016/2017 Special Edition to conmemorate the AIDLR 70th Anniversary.
2016 Journal 81 pages