«A free country is undoubtedly one where a citizen may think as he please, where he may believe or not believe, one where religious freedom is sound and without official limitations.»

Dr. Jean Nussbaum Founder and First President of the AIDLR

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Mr. Michael MOLLER
H.E. A. Aziza BAROUD
Rabbi Michael MELCHIOR
Mr. Mario BRITO
Revd. Bonnie EVANS-HILLS
Revd. Victor KAZANJIAN, Jr.
Dr. Kiriaki TOPIDI
Mr. Jonathan DUFFY
Dr. Asher MAOZ

Press Coverage


Second Global Summit on «Religion, Peace and Security»

«Building bridges, fostering inclusivity and countering hate speech to enhance the protection of religious minorities, refugees and migrants»

Dr. Liviu Olteanu, Secretary General of the AIDLR, Doctor of Law on United Nations Diplomacy in Action for Protecting Human Rights and Religious Liberty

Mr. Adama Dieng, Under Secretary-General, United Nations Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on the Prevention of Genocide


H.E. Michael MOLLER, Director-General of the United Nations Office in Geneva.

«We see a fragmentation of our societies and we see language and descriptions of the other in terms that are completely unacceptable so it's important for us to get together and talk about these things and try and find ways of countering it and which is why I pretty much welcome the holding of this conference here so that we can work on the future in a way that is more harmonious and or more inclusive.»

H.E. Ambassador Aziza BAROUD, Ambassador of Chad to the European Union, United Kingdom and Benelux.

We are facing such a serious change in our behavior as human being that as result we are facing all these increasing violence’s. We need to talk, we need to share our fears our anger and also to share our ideas on how to solve all these problems.

H.E. Dr. Petru DUMITRIU, Inspector, Joint Inspection Unit, Palais des Nations Geneva, Former Ambassador of the Council of Europe at the United Nations Office in Geneva.
«The distance that separates from the years of the establishment of the UN and the AIDLR proves that the problems that were raised at that point in time, more than 70 years ago, are still valid so somehow»

Rabbi Michael MELCHIOR, Chairman of the Mosaica Center for Religious Conflict Transformation in the Middle East.

«This summit has brought together people from different areas who are not really in disagreement about the big questions but we are all fragmented and everybody is doing their thing. I think that our coming together here might be a part of ending the fragmentation.»

Mr. Mario BRITO, President of the Association International pour la Défense de la Liberté Religieuse (AIDLR).
«We believe it is possible to promote freedom of religion or belief so that in the end we can have a free world where people can be free to believe or practice whatever kind of religion they want or do not want to practice.»

Revd. Bonnie EVANS-HILLS, Inter-faith Adviser, The Church of England.

«These summits are really important as they bring together academics but also actors and activists on the ground and religious leaders as well because this is all about you know freedom of religion and belief as well as the real mix over between refugees.»

Revd. Victor H. KAZANJIAN Jr., Executive Director, United Religions Initiative.

«I think this summit is important for all people who work for peace and justice among people of all beliefs because it brings together policymakers from all over the world but also people working at the grassroots.»

Dr. Kiriaki TOPIDI, Head of Culture and Diversity Research Cluster, European Centre for Minority Issues Germany.

«If you look at what´s happening on the world around is a necessity to organize events like this. The added value that comes out of an event of this nature is that it brings different stakeholders together and we are able to directly exchange on topical issues such as hate speech.»

Mr. Jonathan DUFFY, Director of the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) International.

«If we can have a healthy dialogue within our own religious communities we can change attitudes and the world and make it a more welcoming place for people who are forced to migrate.»

Professor Li GUODONG, Chairman UCT International Culture Development Inc.

«The human being is always between flight and peace but, if the whole world is peaceful then the world will be very beautiful.»

Dr. Asher MAOZ, Dean ,Shimon Peres Law School, Rehovot Israel.

«I wish one day we do not need conferences like this anymore I wish one day, we do not need the International Association for the Defence of Religious Liberty anymore.»

Media references

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