«Systematic discrimination against minorities are mostly indicative of a general disrespect for human rights which sooner or later will also negatively affect members of the majority.»

Dr. Heiner Bielefeldt Former Special Rapporteur of the United Nations on Freedom of Religion and Belief, Professor of Human Rights and Human Rights Politics, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg

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Second Global Summit on «Religion, Peace and Security»

«Building bridges, fostering inclusivity and countering hate speech to enhance the protection of religious minorities, refugees and migrants»

Dr. Liviu Olteanu, Secretary General of the AIDLR, Doctor of Law on United Nations Diplomacy in Action for Protecting Human Rights and Religious Liberty

Mr. Adama Dieng, Under Secretary-General, United Nations Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on the Prevention of Genocide

Panel Discussion Keynotes

Opening Ceremony
Mr. Adama DIENG, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide.
Dr. Liviu OLTEANU, Secretary General of the Association Internationale pour la défense de la liberté religieuse (AIDLR).
Mr. Michael MOELLER, Director-General of the United Nations Office in Geneva H.E. Ms. Michelle BACHELET JERIA, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (Video message).
H.E. Sheikh Abdullah bin BAYYAH, President of the Forum for Promoting Peace in Muslim Societies.
H.E. Ammo Aziza BAROUD, Ambassador of Chad to the European Union, United Kingdom and Benelux.
Ms. Katarzyna GARDAPKHADZE, First Deputy Director of the Office of Security and Cooperation (OSCE), Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR).
Dr. Abdulaziz ALMUZAINI, Director UNESCO Geneva Liaison Office.
CHAIRED & MODERATED by Dr. Azza KARAM, Senior Adviser on Culture, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

Panel 1 – Protection of religious minorities, refugees and migrants– Setting the frame
H.E. Faisal Bin Abdulrahman Bin MUAAMMAR, Secretary General, KAICIID Dialogue Center.
Dr. Fernand DE VARENNES, United Nations Special Rapporteur on Minorities Issues.
Dr. Ganoune DIOP, Director Public Affairs and Religious Liberty, General Conference of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church.
Dr. Azza KARAM, Senior Adviser on Culture, UNFPA.
Ms. Sharon EUBANK, President of Latter-Day Saints Charities.
Dr. PL de SILVA, Director Institute of Strategic Studies and Democracies, Malta.
Dr. Rik TORFS, Rector & Professor of Law at Catholic University of Leuven.
Debate Challengers
Revd. Bonnie EVANS-HILLS, Inter-faith Adviser, The Church of England.
Judge Dr. Harald MUELLER, Hannover Court, Germany.
Dr. Michael DRIESSEN, Jean Monnet Fellow, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies. European University Institute.

CHAIRPERSON: Dr. Ibrahim SALAMA, Chief Human Rights Treaties Branch, OHCHR.
MODERATED by Ms. Simona CRUCIANI, Political Affairs Officer, United Nations Office on Genocide Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect (OSAPG).
Q & A: Member States and Participants.
RAPPORTEUR of Panel 1: Dr. Hannah STROMMEN

Panel 2 – Protection of religious minorities, refugees and migrants. Regional and global trends
H.E. Shaykh Muhammad Al-YAQOUBI, Syrian Islamic scholar and religious leader.
H.E. Dr. Ibrahim SALAMA, Chief Human Rights Treaties Branch, OHCHR.
Dr. Hannah STROMMEN, Senior Lecturer in Biblical Studies, University of Chichester.
Mr. Jonathan DUFFY, Director of the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA).
Dr. W. Cole DURHAM Jr., Director of the International Center for Law and Religion Studies.
Dr. Asher MAOZ, Dean, Shimon Peres Law School, Rehovot Israel.
Dr. Ricardo GARCIA, Professor of Law, Law School, Universidad Autonoma Madrid, Spain.

Debate Challengers
Dr. Li LIN, the Executive Director of the UCT.
Dr. Paulo Sergio MACEDO, Director Education and Public Affairs and Religious Liberty.
Rev. Victor H. KAZANJIAN Jr., Executive Director, United Religions Initiative

MODERATED by Dr. Kiriaki TOPIDI, Head of Culture and Diversity Research Cluster, European Centre for Minority Issues Germany.

Panel 3 – Protecting religious minorities, refugees and migrants: Political, human rights and humanitarian challenges.
Dr. Mohamed Abu NIMER, Senior Adviser, KAICIID Dialogue Centre
Dr. Marie Juul PETERSON, Senior Researcher, Danish Institute for Human Rights
Ms. Hajar Al-KADDO, Forum of European Muslims Youth and Student Organizations
Rev. Grace CHUNG LEE, President of Vision for a New Civilization
Rabbi Michael MELCHIOR, Chairman of the Mosaica Center for Religious Conflict Transformation in the Middle East
Dr. Kishan MANOCHA, Senior Adviser on Freedom of Religion and Belief (OSCE/ODIHR)
Professor Li GUODONG, Chairman UCT International Culture Development Inc.

Debate Challengers
Dr. Jose Maria Coello de PORTUGAL, Vice-Dean International Relations at Law School, Universidad Complutense Madrid
Dr. Azza KARAM, Senior Adviser on Culture, UNFPA
Mr. Arie de PATER, European Evangelical Alliance Representative at the European Union
Alberto GUAITA, President of the Association por la Defensa de la Libertad Religiosa

Panel 4 - Protection of refugees, migrants and religious minorities and the Sustainable Development Goals
Mr. Rudelmar Bueno DE FARIA, Secretary General of ACT Alliance
Dr. Elisabeta KITANOVIC, Executive Secretary for Human Rights and Communication, Church and Society Commission, Council of European Churches
Mr. Joao MARTINS, Director of ADRA Europe
Ms. Sana MUSTAFA, President of the Network for Refugee Voices
Dr. Mohamed ELSANOUSI, Executive Director of the Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers
Mr. Tayab BASHAR, Executive Director of Save and Serve Foundation & Mr. Faisal MAJID, United Nations Development Fund (UNDP) Bangladesh
Iman RAZAWI, Scottish Ahlul Bayt Society

Debate Challengers
Ms. Nika SAEEDI, Conflict Prevention, Peacebuilding & Responsive Institutions (CPPRI) of UNDP
Ms. Diane ALAI, Representative to the United Nations, Bahá'í International Community - United Nations Office
Dr. Jose Maria PUYOL MONTERO, Professor History of Law and Institutions, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Dr. Luca OZZANO, Professor at the University of Turin

MODERATED by H.E. Dr. Petru DUMITRIU, Inspector, Joint Inspection Unit, Palais des Nations Geneva, Former Ambassador of the Council of Europe at the United Nations Office in Geneva

Panel 5 - Enhancing protection of religious minorities, refugees and migrants. Partnership and cooperation of ‘Dialogue Five Actors’
H.E. Ammo Aziza BAROUD, Ambassador of Chad to the EU, UK and Benelux
Dr. Thomas SCHIRMACHER, Director of the International Institute for Religious Freedom
Dr. Kiriaki TOPIDI, Head of Culture and Diversity Research Cluster, European Centre for Minority Issues Germany
Dr. Jose-Miguel SERRANO, Professor at Law School University Complutense of Madrid
Dr. Brett G. SCHARFFS, Dean International Center for Law and Religious Studies, J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University
Dr. Brian ADAMS, Director Centre for Interfaith and Cultural Dialogue, Griffith University
Dr. Alexey KOZHEMYAKOV, Visiting Professor in Moscow State University

Debate Challengers
Ms. Simona CRUCIANI, Political Affairs Officer, OSAPG
Dr. Ganoune DIOP, Director Public Affairs and Religious Liberty General Conference of th Seventh Day Adventist Church
Dr. Marie Juul PETERSON, Senior Researcher, Danish Institute for Human Rights
Prof. Anthony Edward NISTOR, Director of International Affairs and Communication, Los Angeles
Dr. Gregorio BETIZZA, Lecturer in International Relations at the University of Exeter

MODERATED by Dr. Liviu OLTEANU, Secretary General of the International Association for the Defense of Religious Liberty (AIDLR)
Q & A: Member States and Participants
RAPPORTEUR of Panel 5: Ms. Michelle MACK FIORE

Panel 6 - Developing the Plan of Action - Plenary discussion
Participants remarks
Reading and Approval of the Declaration / Plan of Action Commitment
Ms. Simona CRUCIANI, Political Affairs Officer, OSAPG
Dr. Liviu OLTEANU, Secretary General of the AIDLR

MODERATED by Ms. Simona CRUCIANI, Political Affairs Officer, United Nations Office on Genocide Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect (OSAPG) & Dr. Liviu OLTEANU, Secretary General of the International Association for the Defense of Religious Liberty (AIDLR)

Closing Ceremony
Closing Ceremony, speakers:
Dr. Kiriaki TOPIDI, Head of Culture and Diversity Research Cluster, European Centre for Minority Issues Germany
Simona CRUCIANI, Political Affairs Officer, OSAPG
Mr. Adama DIENG, United Nations Under-Secretary-General, Special Adviser on the Preventin of Genocide
Mr. Mario BRITO, President of the Association international pour la défense de la liberté religieuse (AIDLR)
Dr. Liviu OLTEANU, Secretary General of the AIDLR

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